15 More Things You Should Know Before Playing Ragnarok Origin

by bunnhop
Published: Updated:

Ragnarok Origin‘s Closed Beta Test is less than 48 hours! Are you as excited as we are?

There’s just so much that Ragnarok Origin has to offer, so we’re back with another list. Here are 15 more things you’ll absolutely enjoy when this new mobile game finally comes out in the North American region (and sometime in the future when it comes out in South East Asia)!

1. Daily Quests

A common feature among MMORPGs, daily quests help a lot in level progression particularly when your character is already high level. In Ragnarok Origin, “Dailies” are unlocked at Level 12. A quest with the Eden Group introduces you to this feature in a way that is similar to Ragnarok Online‘s Eden Group Levelling Quests.

The Daily Quest window in Ragnarok Origin

Each day, the Eden Group receives requests from Midgard citizens and adventurers are encouraged to respond to them in exchange for Base and Job Experience, Zennies, Copper Coins, Guild Hearts, and other rewards. You will have a limited number of Request Tickets that allow you to take on these daily quests. Depending on your level, the maximum number of Request Tickets you receive each day changes. These tickets are recharged every day at 5 am.

  • Level 20 – 40 tickets
  • Level 30 – 60 tickets
  • Level 45 – 80 tickets

Each daily quest require either 10 or 20 Request Tickets. These quests range from something as simple as dancing in front of the Prontera fountain for 15 minutes (20 tickets) or 30 minutes (40 tickets), to more challenging ones involving combat or stealth.

Aside from the rewards given by each quest, players can also spin the Lucky Roulette after spending 60 Request Tickets. This can be spun a maximum of 10 times. Each time you spin the roulette, you get a Yellow Diamond Fragment. These fragments can be exchanged into various items such as Old Card Albums or Verus Core Gears. Weekly rewards change every Monday at 5 am.

The Lucky Roulette tab under Daily Quest

Some daily quests also give Emblems as part of their rewards. Your collection of Emblems can be checked under the Emblems tab in the Daily Quest window. These are:

  1. Rune Knights Emblem
  2. Desert Guardians Emblem
  3. Archie Company Emblem
  4. Rune-Midgarts High Court Emblem
  5. Explorers’ Association Emblem
  6. Geffen Council Emblem

Once you have accumulated 5 different Emblems, you can join the weekly event “Theme Party” which is available on Japanese Ragnarok Origin servers on Mondays at 8 pm.

The Emblems tab under Daily Quest

Some Dailies also allow you to claim the rewards without actually spending time and effort completing them! Skip Tickets can be used to essentially “skip” daily quests, as the name suggests. Take note that when you use Skip Tickets, you still consume the number of Request Tickets required for your chosen daily quest.

2. Gacha

In Part 3 of our Let’s Explore Ragnarok Origin! Tutorial series, we rolled our first Gacha! This is a beginners’ gacha called “Start Dash 10 Consecutive Rolls” which allows you to roll the gacha 10 times without any rerolling limit. Basically, you can keep rerolling until you receive your desired combination of 10 items. I only really cared for the Bunny Band and some Red Potions that time, so I only rolled once.

Start Dash 10 Consecutive Rolls prizes

After you leave the Adventurers’ Academy and change into your First Job, the “Ragnarok Origin Gacha” is made available to you. In jROO, this is the Costume Gacha in which you can get head and back ornaments, as well as costumes. Keep in mind that the rewards change weekly so if you see something you like from the rewards list, better start rolling before the week ends!

Ragnarok Origin's costume gacha

In jROO, each roll requires either 1 Gacha Ticket or 120 Catnips. Evidently, a 10-consecutive roll requires 10 Gacha Tickets or 1,200 Catnips. On the lower right hand corner of the Gacha window, you can read each Gacha’s rules. Tapping the icon below this shows you the list of rewards for that specific Gacha, as well as the probability rate for each item.

Every time you roll a gacha, you get 1 Gacha Point. The same top prizes in the Costume Gacha are available in exchange for a certain number of points, so even if you don’t get them by rolling, you still have the chance to acquire your desired item through points exchange.

Points exchange in Ragnarok Origin's gacha

After every week, these Gacha Points are converted to Gold Medals, which can be exchanged for items at the Gold Medal Shop.

Aside from the Costume Gacha, Card Gacha, Advanced Card Gacha, Verus Core Gear Gacha, and Advanced Verus Core Gear Gacha are also available at later levels.

Advanced Card Gacha window

3. Currencies, The Item Shop, and VIP Pass

By now, you may have noticed that Ragnarok Origin has multiple currencies. Unlike in Ragnarok Online which only has Zennies, ROO has three:

  • Copper Coins – This the most common currency in the game. They can be acquired as quest rewards and are used in a variety of ways, including leveling up your Mercenary’s equipment and buying and selling basic loots under the Street Stall tab of the Trading window. Copper Coins are also used to purchase necessities such as potions, arrows, and gemstones from the Item Merchants located in every town and in some fields.
  • Zennies – Unlike in RO, these are harder to come by. They are usually acquired from Daily Quests and from selling Cards. They are used to buy and sell cards, equipment recipes, and other equipment crafting and upgrade requirements under the Commerce tab of the Trading window.
  • Catnips – This is the rarest and thus most valuable currency in the game. They are given out as rewards for events and after successfully defeating Boss monsters. Catnips are the paid currency in Ragnarok Origin, used to purchase many of the more valuable items in the Item Shop, including fashion costumes and Packs/Boxes (e.g. Enchanting Pack and Mount Evolution Pack). The items under the “Mystery Shop” which changes daily can only be purchased using Catnips.

The Item Shop accepts all three currencies. Unlike in many other games, you can purchase items from the Item Shop with non-paid currencies, Copper Coins and Zennies. Among the items that you can buy using Copper Coins are Stat Boost Potions (e.g. STR Potion, VIT Potion), equipment upgrade items such as Eluniums and Oridecons, and Stat Boost Food items. On the other hand, items like Boost Candy, Drop Candy, Gym Pass, Auto-Fishing, and Auto-Harvest are available for purchase using Zennies.

Ragnarok Origin's Item Shop

Aside from the above, the Item Shop also has the “Kafra Challenge” which allows you to challenge a lovely Kafra employee in a game of Whack-a-Mole. Or in this case, Whack-a-Rich-Poring! The Kafras range from 1-star to 3-star and the higher their star, the more Catnips required to challenge them, which also means the rewards at stake would be higher. If you win against the Kafra employee, you get the price listed on top of the required number of Catnips.

Kafra Challenge in Ragnarok Origin under the Item Shop

It is also in the Item Shop where you can find the option to purchase Catnips using real money. The current cheapest option is 120 JPY (approximately $1.09 USD) for 40 Catnips. The most expensive option is 10,000 JPY (approximately $91.24 USD) for 3,700 Catnips.

Ragnarok Origin's Item Shop where you can purchase Catnips

VIP Passes are also available in the Item Shop. They are currently sold for 980 yen (approximately $8.94 USD) and includes benefits such as access to Kafra storage anywhere in the world without approaching a Kafra employee, EXP boost for daily quests, higher Bonus EXP carried onto the following day under Combat Time, and an additional 5 times of same-spot respawn (i.e. the ability to respawn on the same spot your character died) each day.

4. Trading and Auction

Like in Ragnarok M, ROO also has the Item Auction feature which allows players to buy and sell items. In jROO, this is called the “Transaction” or “Trading” window. Under this, there are three tabs:

  1. Commerce – This is a server-regulated shop where you can buy and sell items at server-regulated prices in Zennies. Valuable items such as cards, equipment recipes, equipment crafting and upgrade necessities, Verus Core Gears, and Mercenary Trait Scrolls are available. When you sell an item here, it is automatically considered sold and you immediately acquire the Zennies owed to you.
  2. Street Stall – This is where players can buy and sell items using Copper Coins. Basic loots such as Empty Bottles, Jellopies, and Clovers are found under this tab. Unlike in Commerce, you can either choose to sell the item for the suggested price, sell it at a discount, or charge higher in increments of 10%, up to 50%.
  3. Auction – Much like in real life, players can auction off their valuable items here. Sellers can place a starting bid amount in Zennies, as well as their ideal buy-out amount. Cards and rare hair ornament recipes can be found here.
Ragnarok Origin's Trading/Transaction window

Because there is no one-on-one trading in ROO, unlike in Ragnarok Online, this is probably going to be one of your most used features in the game.

5. Closet Fashion Points and Ranking

Not only can you dress your character up in the Closet window, you also earn Fashion Points every time you store a new head ornament, face ornament, mouth ornament, back ornament, or costume! On the upper left hand corner of the Closet window is your Fashion Level.

Your Fashion Level increases upon acquiring enough Fashion Points, You gain fashion rewards at each level, which range from ingredients for other ornaments or costumes, to a few ornaments and costumes themselves. Aside from this, you also gain Stat Bonuses.

The Fashion Level window under Closet

The second tab shows the Ranking for characters with the most number of Fashion Points. Are you going to try and aim to be in the top 10 of Rune-Midgarts’ most fashionable?

6. Guide Quests and Combat Challenges

When you join the Eden Group on your arrival at Prontera as part of Chapter 1 of the main story arc, you will receive Guide Quests every time you reach a certain level. These are short tutorial quests meant to introduce beginners to certain features such as daily quests, equipment crafting, equipment upgrade, and the mercenary system. There are also Guide Quests for your first Events, including an introduction to Monster Subjugation and Yggdrasil Defense.

Dialogue with NPC during the Yggdrasil Defense Guide Quest

Combat Challenge Quests, on the other hand, are available to test your combat abilities. Visit the Eden Group Headquarters and speak with the NPC to do your first Job-specific challenge! These are completely voluntary, so if you’re not very much into testing your mettle, you can simply choose to ignore them. (I did…)

A Combat Challenge Quest in Ragnarok Origin

7. Special Quests

As you may have noticed on the left corner of your screen, there are three tabs: Quest (which shows Story, Sub-Story, Adventure, and Guide Quests), Challenge (which has Hunting, Dungeon, and Job-specific Combat Challenges), and Special Quests.

The three quest box tabs

Special Quests are those that you find by chance while exploring the world of Ragnarok Origin. The first Special Quest you find is about Poring Elves. It introduces you to the fun hobby of researching Poring Elves that reside all over Midgard. Think of it as Pokemon, Ragnarok style! The difference is that you can’t actually “catch” these cute, cuddly, and colorful Porings, nor can you train or make them battle it out with other Porings. You get rewards the first, third, fifth, and ninth time you spot the same type of Poring!

Another interesting special quest is called “Theory of Monster Evolution” which you obtain by talking to a strange boy somewhere in Mt. Mjolnir. He asks you a few questions about Ragnarok monsters (which triggered my trauma from all the tricky Q&As in Ragnarok Online‘s job change quests) and if you get them all right, he’ll tell you about his theory regarding monster evolution (e.g. Picky Egg > Picky > Pecopeco).

Dialogue with the NPC during the "Theory of Monster Evolution" Special Quest

If you’re in search of Special Quests, simply take your time to explore towns, fields, and dungeons and you’re bound to find some. If a dialogue pops up in the middle of your screen while walking, that indicates you’ve passed by an NPC that gives a special quest.

8. Party and Guild Systems

As with other games in the Ragnarok franchise, Ragnarok Origin also has Parties and Guilds. You can create your own Party or join someone else’s. We have already explored the Party window in a previous video, but here’s a quick rundown:

  • You can rename your party.
  • Your current Mercenaries will join your party, except for parties whose objective is to complete a Sage’s Memory Book instance dungeon.
  • The maximum number of players in a party is 5.
  • Under “Target”, you can set the level requirements for your party.
  • You can set a specific “Target” (or goal) for your party, such as Sage’s Memoirs, Helheim, Yggdrasil Defense event, Endless Tower, and so on. You can also set it to “None”.
  • You can invite specific players to your party, or do an “Auto-Matching”.
  • If two or more players from the same party are on the same map, the Base and Job EXP gained is increased by 20% for 2 players, 30% for 3 players, 40% for 4 players, and 50% for 5 players.
  • When searching for a party to join, you can select a specific “Target” (or goal). You can also set it to “None”, which will display casual leveling parties.
The Party window in Ragnarok Origin

Guilds are introduced at around Level 18 through an Eden Group quest. You can either make or join a guild. Guild Masters can choose whether or not to automatically accept guild applications. I recommend joining a guild that don’t have strict level and activeness requirements, accepts newbies, and offers help!

Currently, the nostalgic War of Emperium (WoE) is not yet available in jROO, although it is playable in the Korean Ragnarok Origin. However, other fun guild events and activities can still be enjoyed by you and your guildmates! One of these is Guild Match, which is basically a coliseum-type battle between guilds. Another one is Guild Hunting, which is reminiscent of Guild Dungeons in Ragnarok Online. I think the most fun guild activity is Guild Assembly, which has a fun and casual atmosphere and includes a cooking challenge!

Guild Activities in Ragnarok Origin under the Guild window

9. Item Merchants

I don’t know if I just missed a tutorial for this, but I was really surprised when at around Level 50, I had used up all of my Red and Blue Potions. I didn’t know where to buy them until I remembered that I came across an Item Merchant outside Prontera’s South Gate. I was so glad that I could stock up on potions–I bought White Potions this time!–and elemental arrows as well.

Item Merchants such as Sophia at Prontera South Gate and Nanalie in Prontera sell indispensable items for adventuring. These include potions, Old Mercenary Books for leveling up your Mercenaries, Fly Wings and Butterfly Wings, gemstones, and a variety of elemental arrows. Item Merchants can be found in every town, as well as in some fields. Don’t forget to buy your essentials before you set out on your next adventure!

Item Merchants in Ragnarok Origin

By the way, you can also sell items to these merchants in exchange for Copper Coins!

10. Sage’s Memory Books and Helheim

If you’re into forming a team and taking on the biggest and the baddest, this one’s for you! Sage’s Memory Books are instanced group dungeons that are unlocked at Level 27 after finishing an Adventure Quest where you feet the renowned Sage Varmundt for the first time.

There are a total of 8 Sage’s Memory Books, each of which is unlocked after reaching a certain levels

  • Grotesque North Forest – Level 30
  • Prontera Underground Sewers – Level 40
  • Drake’s Ghost Ship – Level 50
  • Geffen’s Underground Dungeon – Level 60
  • Antlion’s Burrow – Level 65
  • Pyramid Great Adventure – Level 70
  • Thanatos’ Battle – Level 75
  • Chaotic Shackles – Level 80
Sage's Memory Books floating tomes

Visit the Sage’s Chambers on the southwest corner of Prontera, directly south of the West Gate. Go up the winding staircase and interact with the floating tomes. Tapping a Memory Book shows the Boss found in that instance dungeon along with its description as well as rewards for completing the dungeon. Since these are group dungeons, you cannot go alone. It’s best to go with 4 other players and form a party with the following roles: a tank, a healer, and three damage dealers.

Sage's Memory Books 8 - Chaotic Shackles with Satan Morroc

Each of the Memory Books presents an event in the Sage’s life that you and your partymates can experience yourselves. Expect some NPC dialogues, along with a few puzzles depending on the Memory Book you’ve chosen.

Helheim is an optional solo or group instance dungeon that you can complete to obtain equipment recipes (blueprints). In jROO, there are three modes: Solo, Normal, and Hard. Hard Mode gives the best and the rarest equipment recipes, but is recommended to be tackled by a high-level team.

The Helheim window as found in the Events window

Each day, the Helheim dungeon changes. These are randomly chosen from one of the Sage’s Memory Book dungeons, so it’s best if you familiarize yourself with the layout of each of the Memory Books first before you decide to try a Helheim dungeon out. Helheim dungeons can be completed twice a day and 8 times a week.

11. Events (Monster Subjugation, Yggdrasil Defense, Endless Tower)

A great variety of exciting events are also available to Ragnarok Origin players! Tapping on the Events icon shows you all the available events that you can participate in. Aside from those that are only available on specific days such as Guild Assembly on Tuesdays or Yggdrasil Defense’s Pair Mode on Sundays, there are also some that players can do regardless of the day of the week.

The Events window in Ragnarok Origin

The most popular of these is Monster Subjugation. Also called “Freya’s Blessing”, this allows players to gain an additional 60 minutes of Combat Time per day after they have fully spent their allotted 120-minute daily Combat Time. Activating this increases your item drop rate, but you will no longer gain Base and Job EXP. Unused Freya’s Blessing carries onto the following day until it reaches the 7th day and you have a total of 420 minutes of Blessing to spend.

The Monster Subjugation or "Freya's Blessing" window as found on the Events window

At Level 42, Yggdrasil Defense is unlocked by doing a short quest. This event can be completed in Solo Mode once a day and twice per week, while the Pair Mode (a two-player party) is available on Sundays in jROO.

The Yggdrasil Defense window

Before entering the instance, you can choose two Yggdrasil’s Blessings–one offensive and the other defensive. One example of an Offensive Blessing is Summon Meteorite, which gives you a chance to automatically summon a meteorite on a target area while receiving damage. Hard Skin is a Defensive Blessing, which summons a shield around yourself every 30 seconds. The goal is straightforward: defend the Yggdrasil Tree from attacking enemies.

In order to help you with this, you can summon up to 4 Hero Spirits from each of the Job classes. You can summon each of them after gathering enough magical power gained over time and from defeating enemies. Once summoned, you can save up magical power to level each of your Spirit allies. Try to defeat as many of the monster hordes as you can, so you can earn weekly bonus rewards!

Yggdrasil Defense Event in Ragnarok Origin

The famed Endless Tower group dungeon from Ragnarok Online can be unlocked in ROO upon reaching Level 55. In Ragnarok Origin, you can do it solo or with a party. It starts with weaker enemies such as Porings and Rockers, and increases in difficulty with each level. Every five levels, a Boss monster appears. Your progress is logged every floor that ends in 1, 5, 6, and 0, so you can always come back where you left off as long as your progress was recorded. You get a set of rewards the first time you complete floors 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40!

The Endless Tower window in Ragnarok Origin

12. Collectibles and Picture Books

Ragnarok Origin is every completionist’s dream (…or nightmare? That depends on whether you’re an optimist or a pessimist). This is because of the great variety things you might want to collect in the game. Set your goal–be it to be the best Poring researcher or to reach every milestone in your Adventure Notebook, there’s always something to achieve!

The Notebooks window in Ragnarok Origin

We have already mentioned above the Special Quest that opens up the world of Poring research, but that’s not the only thing you might want to set your sights on. Checking your Notebooks window, you will find the following:

  • Adventure Notebook – This logs every milestone you reach as an adventurer. Everything from the basics of receiving your first quest and getting your first Mercenary, to more advanced goals like defeating your first MVP and your first Endless Tower run can be found here.
    Every time you reach a milestone, you unlock one of the boxes and receive a reward! The Adventure Notebook becomes available as soon as you reach your first achievement: accessing your Closet. Later categories become available at Levels 30, 40, 50, and 55.
  • Equipment Picture Book – This is some sort of equipment codex that shows all the available weapons and armor in the game, sorted by level and can be further sorted by Job class. For instance, it lists all gears that can be equipped by an Archer class that’s between Levels 50-59.
    Tapping on an equipment shows its type (e.g. weapon, shoes, accessory), level requirement, and how many equipment slots it fills (e.g. bows fill 2 equipment slots). It also shows Stat Bonuses, what Build it’s recommended for, and the required items to craft that particular piece of equipment.
  • Boss Strategy Book – This shows both Field MVPs, which are all well-loved (or well-hated) Boss monsters from Ragnarok Online such as Angeling and Baphomet, as well as the Boss monsters from Sage’s Memory Books.
    Apart from its MVP’s description, the other relevant information displayed also allows you to devise a strategy to best defeat these Bosses. From their monster type and size, elemental attribute, to the Skills that these Bosses employ to wreak havoc on newbies and mid-level characters alike, this can be your go-to codex to plan out your boss-hunting tactics with your friends.
  • Monster Picture Book – This is your monster codex that shows all available monsters in Ragnarok Origin, including Boss and Mini-Boss monsters. The first tab sorts them by level, while the second sorts them by monster attribute.
    You can find all relevant information regarding each monster in this notebook. This range from their basic information (monster type, element, and size) to more detailed variables like total Max HP (except for Bosses), Physical Damage, Physical Defense, possible item drops, and the specific maps where each monster can be found. Check the Monster Picture Book every time you want to plan out which monsters to hunt to level up.
    You gain Monster Research Points depending on the number of monsters of the same kind that you have defeated. Defeating 10 monsters of the same kind gives you 5 research points and puts you at Level 1 Research for that specific monster. You have to defeat 500 of the same monster to reach Level 2 and gain 20 research points. Level 2 unlocks the ability to gain special monster drops such as Monster Dolls and Elemental Specimens. These then can be exchanged for items such as head ornaments and face ornaments at the Monster Collection Shop, also found in your Monster Picture Book window.
    Aside from all this, leveling up your Monster Research Level adds bonuses to your Stats!
  • Poring Observation Notebook – Unlocked at Level 25 through a Special Quest, this notebook shows the collection of Porings you’ve found. Under the second tab, you can read tips on how to find each type of Poring. You gain rewards the first, third, fifth, and ninth time you spot the same Poring Elf type!
  • Card Picture Book – This notebook is available from Level 25. As your card codex, it shows all the currently obtainable cards in the entire game. Aside from what each card does, this notebook also shows you exactly how to acquire the card you want. Most of these monster cards can be obtained through monster drops, Old Card Album, Card Gacha, and the Commerce tab in your Trading window.
  • Customize Picture Book – Unlocked at Level 25, this notebook allows you to customize your player icon, displayed title (next to your character’s name), icon frame, chatroom bubble appearance, and your chat tag (a small icon that is displayed next to your name on the Chat window every time you send a message). This notebook also shows you how to unlock your desired player icon, title, and so on.

13. Daily Login and Progression Rewards

Aside from the fun gameplay and community, playing Ragnarok Origin has many other perks! On the Japanese server where I’m currently playing, every character you make receives a reward box upon reaching Level 15. Not only this, you get access to a limited-duration 15-day log-in bonus chart that grants you a reward each day you log in until your 15th day when you’ll receive a head ornament.

Level 15 Rewards in Ragnarok Origin

Your Rewards window, which is shaped like a gift box, also has Progression Rewards and Log-in Rewards. Both unlocked at Level 20, they provide incentives to log-in daily and level up your character!

Progression Rewards give each of your characters a gift pack of essentials such as potions and Copper Coins every 10 levels. You can also purchase an additional gift pack from Level 40 using Catnips! On the other hand, Log-in Rewards grant each of your characters one item every day you log-in. On the eighth day, I got a rare head ornament, and I’ll get another one on my 30th day!

Be sure to check the Item Shop as well for your daily free consumables pack! (Note that these rewards might be jROO-exclusive and may turn out to be different when naROO comes out.)

14. Artisan’s Paths (Cooking and Brewing)

Adventurers need side hustles, too! Be a chef, a chemist, a harvester, a fisherman. Why not be all four?

Adventuring can get exhausting. You have a big mystery to solve, other people giving you quests here and there when they can probably do these things by themselves, and just too many places to explore! Sometimes, you have to find time to focus on yourself–self-development is as good in RL (real life) as in ROO. It’s not enough to just know how to kill hordes of monsters… you might also want to learn a craft or two!

Fishing in Ragnarok Origin

In Ragnarok Origin, you can make food items and potions that increase your Stats. Cooking and Brewing are made available through a short quest located in Prontera upon reaching Level 40. When you level up your Cooking and Brewing skills through Copper Coins, more food and potions will be available for production. However, crafting ingredients have to come from somewhere, right? Some basic items can be bought from NPC merchants in towns, while others have to be gathered from either Fishing or Harvesting.

The Artisan Paths window in Ragnarok Origin

Aside from ingredients, another important thing to watch out for is your Stamina. You can check your Stamina meter in your Character window. This gets replenished everyday, so don’t tire yourself out too much!

In terms of Fishing and Harvesting, they may be fun to do manually once in a while. But if you’re in a hurry or don’t want to spend too much time on these activities, the Auto-Fishing and Auto-Harvest books allow you to do the obvious.

15. Spectator Mode

Getting bummed every time your entire party dies trying to complete a Sage’s Memory Book instance? Wanna learn some combat tips and tricks, especially when it comes to Skills? Say no more! Ragnarok Origin has a unique feature that allows you to watch other players as they go through Endless Tower, Helheim, Guild Match, and so on!

Spectator Mode is something you should check out when you need to know how best to assemble your party for some of the more advanced activities in the game. It’s as easy as choosing a category and choosing whose playthrough stream to watch. While watching, you can cycle through each of the party members to see things from their perspective. Like in YouTube (or Nico Nico), you can hit the like button to let the streamer know that you like their broadcast!

The Spectator Mode in Ragnarok Origin

Under the Personal tab, you can see your viewing history, as well as the streams you liked. Keep in mind that in Spectator Mode, you are watching parties that are currently doing an event or an instance. These are not pre-recorded videos–they’re real time! So unfortunately, you cannot re-watch a playthrough.

Which one of these 15 things are you most interested in? Is there anything we missed and you’d like us to talk about? Let us know in the comments section below! We hope to see you all on Ragnarok Origin NA’s release day!

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