Ragnarok Origin Cash Shop Guide: Is VIP Worth It?

by bunnhop
Published: Updated:

The newest mobile game in the Ragnarok Online franchise has been up for two weeks now. How are you enjoying it so far?

If you’re on the Deviling server, you may have seen me respond to some of the questions on the World Chat. One of the many questions I see on both the World and the Guild Chat is, “Is VIP worth it?” We hope the information in this video can help you decide whether or not to purchase Ragnarok Origin‘s VIP monthly subscriptions.

Ragnarok Origin Cash Shop

First, it’s important to differentiate the various paid items in the game. Opening our RO Cash Shop window, we can see that it has four tabs.

  1. Nyan Berry – Items you can buy using Nyan Berries, otherwise known as Catnips. These range from Eden Coin Chests, Refinement Boxes for upgrading your equipment, and Costumes.
  2. Errand House – Items that can be bough using either your Zenies or Eden Coins
  3. Mystery Shop – Where you can buy crafting materials and other valuable items using Nyan Berries. The list of available items changes daily and can be refreshed up to 20 times each day. The first refresh of each day is free, while the rest requires 1 Mystery Shop Refresh Ticket.
  4. Recharge – Where you can purchase VIPs and Nyan Berries using real money

Beginner’s Gift Pack

The first thing can see under Recharge–assuming you haven’t bought it yet–is the First Purchase Gift Pack which is the same as the Beginner’s Gift on your main screen. Although it says it’s limited to Europe and the United States, it can actually be purchased regardless of where you currently live.

First Purchase Gift Pack or Beginner's Gift in Ragnarok Origin

This Beginner’s Pack can only be bought once per character and gives you:

  • 550 Nyan Berries
  • Kafra Gift Card (chance to double the rewards you earned in Helheim, Endless Tower, and a variety of other instances)
  • Poring Backpack
  • GM Costume
  • 2 million Eden Coins
  • Blue Card Memory Book (contains a random Blue Card)

I tried the Beginner’s Pack myself and found it to be quite a good deal for the price of $4.99 USD, So if you have the budget, why not splurge on your main character at least?

Two Types of VIPs

Kafra VIP – A monthly subscription that gives your character a number of in-game benefits. This is character-bound, which means the benefits apply only to the character you used to buy the Kafra VIP. It will not apply to your other characters in the same account, unlike in the original Ragnarok Online PC game.

Nyan Berry Monthly Rebate – These give you a certain number of Nyan Berries upon purchase, and a fixed number of Nyan Berries each day until it runs out on the 30th day. There are two subscriptions under this type: Normal Rebate Month Card and Super Rebate Month Card.

Kafra VIP Benefits

The list of benefits acquired from Kafra VIP in Ragnarok Origin
  1. Access to Kafra Storage wherever you are in Midgard – Helpful when you’ve reached the maximum number of items in your backpack or inventory. Or if you bought potions and food buffs and stored them in your Kafra Storage, and want to take them out in the middle of a dungeon run.
  2. Access to the Kafra Shop (mobile Item Merchant) – Replenish your potions, arrows, and other consumables on the go.
  3. 30% more EXP when you turn in your Daily Quests – One of the best benefits you’ll get from this subscription
  4. 30% more daily bonus Rest EXP gained from excess Combat Time
  5. 40% more daily bonus Rest EXP gained from excess Commission Tickets
  6. Rest EXP expires within 72 hours (instead of the usual 24 hours)
  7. 5 times respawn at the same spot without a Token of Siegfried per day, except during PVP and PVE Instance Dungeons
  8. Daily Cat Hand Caravan trade count limit is now two times (instead of once per day) – Useful for leveling up your Medals

Purchasing the Kafra VIP gives you the following:

  • Kafra VIP Card – Where you can access your Kafra Services on the go
  • Kafra Gift Card – Chance to double the rewards you earned in Helheim, Endless Tower, and a variety of other instances
  • Eden Coin Chest – Gives an amount between 150,000 to 250,000 Eden Coins.

Kafra VIP Pack 1

The Kafra VIP Pack 1 can be a little misleading. This does not mean you can purchase a Kafra VIP, together with the listed items, for 228 Nyan Berries. Instead, this is something you can get after you’ve purchased a Kafra VIP for $7.99.

This Kafra VIP Pack changes every month. Since the game has just launched, we’re at Pack Number 1. This gives you:

  • 5 Mark of Devil Invitation Letters
  • 5 Combat Acceleration Candies
  • 2 Ether Factor Supplement Cards – Gives 2 additional Gear Fragments from Helheim

Is the Kafra VIP Worth It?

The Kafra VIP itself is $7.99 USD a month. Based on the above benefits, should you get the Kafra VIP? Is it really worth it? I can’t imagine any player who wouldn’t be thankful for benefit numbers 1, 2, 3, as well as 7, but what about the rest?

What if you’re someone who AFK monster grinds until Fatigued and makes sure to use up all your Daily Quest Commission Tickets? Then benefits 4 to 6 will be useless to you.

What if you’re someone like me who sticks to Fountain Dance and Road View, and never bother doing Cat Hand Caravan since you don’t care much about Medals? Then benefit 8 is also pretty useless.

I certainly wouldn’t get the Kafra VIP for a character that’s still pretty new, since leveling below the server level is quite fast as long as you do some AFK monster grinding, followed by questing.

If you don’t know how to check the server level, go to your Character window, and click on the question mark beside your Base EXP meter.

How to check the Server Level in Ragnarok Origin

If you’re character’s above the server level, and think the above benefits are worth $7.99 USD a month, then go for it! Leveling up becomes so much tougher once you’ve reached the server level. 

As with any subscriptions, I’d get this if I’m really serious about leveling up that entire month. I wouldn’t get this if I knew there’s something important coming up for an entire week or so. Only during a month when I know I’ll be free for at least most of it, to play for at least 2-3 hours.

Nyan Berry Monthly Rebate

Note that the Kafra VIP doesn’t give any Nyan Berries, so if you expected to get some so you can purchase costumes or valuable items, then this type of VIP is not be the best for you. What you might consider getting is either the Normal Rebate or the Super Rebate, both of which are monthly subscriptions that give your character a fixed amount of Nyan Berries daily.

The two Nyan Berry Rebate VIPs in Ragnarok Origin
  • Normal Rebate Month Card – 150 Nyan Berries once purchased; 10 Nyan Berries, 1,000 Zenies, and 1 Mystery Shop Refresh Ticket per day. By Day 30, you’ll have received 300 Nyan Berries, 30,000 Zenies, and 30 Mystery Shop Refresh Tickets. This is sold for $4.99 USD, the same price as the Kafra VIP.
  • Super Rebate Month Card – 500 Nyan Berries once purchased; 35 Nyan Berries, 3500 Zenies, and 3 Mystery Shop Refresh Tickets per day. By Day 30, you’ll have received 1050 Nyan Berries, 105,000 Zenies, and 90 Mystery Shop Refresh Tickets. This is sold for $14.99 USD.

Which is the better deal if you ask me? Well, certainly they are both much cheaper than purchasing Nyan Berries alone. If you pay $4.99, you’ll only get 180 Nyan Berries, compared to the benefits of getting the Normal Rebate Month Card. The only drawback to these two subscriptions is that you’ll get your Nyan Berries gradually. You’ll have to wait 30 days to actually reap what you’ve sown, basically. So if you’re patient and wise, you’ll definitely go with either the Normal or Super Rebate, depending on your budget and how much Nyan Berries you need.

Nyan Berry Rebate

Regardless of how you choose to purchase your Nyan Berries, keep in mind that there are rewards for spending this premium currency on anything that can be bought using Nyan Berries in the entire game, whether you bought some costumes from the Nyan Berry shop or equipment upgrade materials from the Mystery Shop!

Get rewards for spending Nyan Berry in Ragnarok Origin from the Nyan Berry Rebate window

The Nyan Berry rebate gives you rewards once you’ve spent 300, 1,500, 5,000, 12,000, 21,500, 33,500, and 50,000 Nyan Berries.


Is VIP worth it? I think Kafra VIP is worth it if your character is above the server level and you find it extremely difficult to level up, but really want to progress your character, and if you think its other benefits are really worth the price.

The Normal and Super Rebate VIPs are definitely worth it if you only need Nyan Berries and you’re patient enough to wait to get your hands on them.

We hope the information we shared can help you decide whether or not to purchase VIPs in Ragnarok Origin. Let us know what you think. Will you or have you already tried out any of the above monthly subscriptions? Which one do you recommend? Or why not?

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