Mintrei’s Journal – Episode 3: Alone in Nature

by bunnhop
Published: Updated:

19 Last Seed, Tirdas

Last night’s journey into the barrow took longer than expected. It was way past midnight when I got out of the ruin and had no energy left in me to walk back to the inn, so I made do with the camping gear in my backpack and built myself a small, but comfy tent.

Waking up to the view of the Throat of the World, this land’s highest peak, and the majestic White River, seemed to have refreshed me. Fully energized, I hastily took down my tiny fort, packed my gear, and walked downhill. A little fox caught my attention and I decided to follow it straight to the river. Although I didn’t manage to catch up to it, I found part of a ruin hidden underwater. Before I could admire its distinct architecture (and take its riches), I came across the Tamrielic Bane–slaughterfish.

Spending some time in the water brought me calm. Though I was oft surrounded by friends, relatives, and the few unwanted suitors back in the City–and I always did enjoy the sense of safety and belongingness of idle chatter and boisterous banter–I have always had a secret affinity for the serenity that being by my lonesome in nature brings.

Before heading back to the road, I caught a glimpse of a fishing boat. There I found a fisherman in his camp, quietly enjoying the bounty of this iconic river. We exchanged some courtesies before I bade him goodbye and wished him a fruitful catch.

After handing over the Golden Claw back to the Valeriuses, Camilla and I had a brief chat about life in the Imperial Province, Cyrodiil, where she and her brother are also from. Annoyingly, she steered the conversation toward marriage by asking if I had an eye for someone back home, adding that she herself would like to find a good husband and settle down soon. Such triviality has never once crossed my mind, as I am still quite young (and foolish, to be honest) to start a family of my own. My decision to leave home, travel, and develop my craft might eventually lead me down that path, but I have no interest in it at the moment. Although I would be lying if some familiar faces didn’t cross my mind when the topic came about.

The siblings were kind enough to share their midday meal with me, and Lucan and I also spent a few minutes trading, as I’d imagined I would need to be well-supplied for the long road ahead. I did spend the afternoon getting to know the residents of Riverwood, playing “Tag” with the young ones, and having a quick chat with my fellow Bosmer, Faendal.

While walking around the town’s vicinity, I came across a mine called “Embershard” and decided to take a peek. I thought I’d pay my respects to the hardworking miners of this Hold, and perhaps come to an agreement about ore supply that would benefit both I and them, but to my dismay, I only found bandits.

After disposing of the ruffians, I came across an interesting hut. It had gotten dark when I surfaced from the mine, so I was wondering if the owner would be kind enough to perhaps let me lay my head down for a while or, at the very least, allow me to cook a hot meal, before I venture back to Riverwood. Alas, I found a witch who was planning to build her own coven. She didn’t take too kindly to my sneaking into her suspicious basement, and so I had to defend myself. Although I do not enjoy needless violence, I am not averse to bringing justice to those who would harm others.

At last, I found a place agreeable enough to spend a few hours in. Perhaps I should take a nap, just for a while?


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